IGP Calçot de Valls

IGP Calçot de VallsIGP Calçot de VallsIGP Calçot de VallsIGP Calçot de VallsIGP Calçot de VallsIGP Calçot de Valls

IGP Calçot de Valls

A celebrated and celebratory product

The Alt Camp, specifically Valls. We are in a town closely linked to a product: the calçot. The calçot de Valls is a tender, white and sweet onion that, roasted on the grill and accompanied by calçot sauce, is the base for the calçotada, one of the most popular celebrations in Catalonia.  They are grown according to traditional cultivation practices that last practically a year.

Plaça del Carme, 9

Valls - 43800 (Tarragona)

+34 977 60 90 83


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